“My past life regression was both enlightening and a remarkable experience which opened my eyes to a new understanding of self. With Willow’s guidance and support this therapy is only the beginning to deciphering who I am and how I can heal my internal and emotional state of mind which impede me from progressing in my career and achieving more. My journey will continue and with Willow’s help and I look forward to opening new doors of understanding and implementing strategies for personal enrichment and growth.” BW
Our Lives Are Changed Forever
“2013 will always be remembered as one of the best years ever thanks to you. We are so excited to have you in our lives. Thank you!!!!! You are changing our lives daily.” KW and BW
This couple came to me one at a time – each had their own issues on which they wanted to work. He was looking for more self confidence and to be able to let go of any unknown blocks that might keep him from being successful in his own business. She was happy in her stressful work, but found that she was drinking more wine than she felt was healthy for her.
During their individual sessions we talked about all the stressors, triggers and old patterns and beliefs that held them each in their own “stuckness.” She was very wary of hypnosis and how it worked. I explained to her in depth that she was always in control (a concern of hers) and that I could not make her do anything she did not want to do.
During the hypnosis session I was able to guide them into a safe, yet powerful experience to “let go” of the patterns and beliefs and provided suggestions for the changes that each was wanting to occur in their lives. After the initial session, she stopped drinking except for an occasional glass of wine. He was able to get up in front of any group and talk confidently about his business. After their respective second sessions they each felt more relaxed, confident and continued to improve the quality of their lives and the changes that each was desiring. And, I am happy to report that after a year and a half, each one still continues to move forward without the concerns of the past. She drinks an occasional glass of wine and he is leading a thriving business. Congratulations to both!
I Was Hopeless about Binge Drinking
“Willow, when I came to you I was hopeless that my habit of binge drinking, resulting in black outs, was mine to have for the rest of my life. I had tried many times and ways to stop but nothing worked. Now after hypnosis I am free from this thought and lifestyle. I no longer feel the need or desire to escape. Instead I am living a normal, content and beautiful daily life. I couldn’t believe that after the first session the war within me was over. I am at peace and have the ability to enjoy that one occasional glass of wine. As I had no previous experience or knowledge of hypnosis, I just can’t thank you enough for answering questions and making this a calm and easy life changing process”. KW
You Can Stop Smoking Using Hypnosis
Stop smoking using hypnosis may seem like your last choice. You may have tried to stop on your own many times in the past – you may have even been successful for a while. But then something happens. Your job, the kids, money, health – they all create STRESS at one time or another. When the stress comes, you look for something that you thought was relaxing, comforting, soothing. You reach for – A CIGARETTE! And then you have another, and another, and another and you’re back into that vicious cycle.
So you try it again on your own; or you try the patch, or gum, or even the E-Cigarettes. All the flavor, the chemicals, but no smoke. Wow! But you still haven’t stopped.
Then somebody suggests hypnosis to stop smoking. You might even know someone who stopped smoking with hypnosis. You’re skeptical. You’ve never been hypnotized and you certainly don’t want to have someone else in control of you and your mind! You do some research on the internet to learn more about hypnosis and discover that in hypnosis you are always in control! Nobody can make you do anything you don’t want to do! And they won’t try and make you quack like a duck! So you make the phone (or in some cases, you have your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend or family member make the call for you). Sounds easy enough. You make the appointment.
During the appointment you are able to talk about all the stresses in your life that may be a barrier to your success in stop smoking with hypnosis. You talk about your triggers – when you smoke, where you smoke, why your smoke. You talk about the reasons you want to stop smoking with hypnosis now. And you find out all about hypnosis and how it works and why it works. Wow! So far it’s really easy and you learn a lot. And you feel comfortable now with the processes.
After the hypnosis session you find that you don’t want a cigarette – just yet. You’ll wait until you get home. But the desire isn’t there yet. So you decide you’ll wait a little longer before having a cigarette. But later on, you still don’t want one. And you may even say to yourself, “This is so weird!” You wait, and wait. You may have a little discomfort as your body begins to detox and let go of all the poisons and chemicals that you’ve been inhaling. You drink plenty of water and water seems to have a calming and satisfying feeling for you.
When you return for your follow-up appointment, preferably one – three days after your initial appointment, you’re feeling hopeful, more peaceful and calm than you’ve felt in a long time. And you’re ready to continue to make sure that you remain a non-smoker forever!
Let go of the fear and give yourself the gift of health and freedom from cigarettes! You won’t regret it.
As one client wrote: “I have now been 4 weeks totally smoke & soda free, with absolutely no chance of going back. I have put myself to the test by visiting people that smoke. It didn’t tempt me at all. I feel so energetic and have an overwhelming desire to continue doing great things for myself.”
Hypnosis and New Year’s Resolutions
New Year’s Day is always the time for setting goals, making resolutions, and deciding to change your life. We all start out on January first with the highest of expectations, and somewhere down the road, months later, we’ve forgotten and abandoned those high ideals. Weight loss, exercise, diet, and life-style changes all are great goals in the beginning. Why not help yourself achieve those goals this year through a simple, yet powerful method – hypnosis. Give it a try. Call me at (520) 760-8456 and let’s talk about how we can make 2013 your best year yet!
Test Taking Anxiety and Hypnosis
Test taking anxiety can affect people in many different ways – from forgetting information, to nausea, headaches, depression and a sense of failure. Test anxiety can get so bad that some people simply give up, don’t take the test and walk away defeated. Once they’ve gotten into the habit of trying and failing, failure starts to show up in many areas of their life. It’s a vicious cycle and no matter how hard someone tries to convince him or herself that its all in the mind and they should just “get over it,” the worse they feel. In one aspect they’re right, it is all in the mind – and you just aren’t able to “get over it.”
In my role as a hypnotist I’ve seen clients as young as 9 and as old as 60 who have come to see me because of test anxiety. The self-doubt and lack of confidence become firmly embedded in their beliefs and with as little as two hypnosis sessions, the clients are able to feel good about themselves, have greater confidence, and not go into that spiraling feeling of self-defeat – AND – they are able to pass their exams!
Read One Person’s Results Using Hypnosis to Overcome Test Taking Anxiety:
“I decided to look into hypnotherapy as I was not sure what else to do. I had taken a state exam 3 times in order to be able to continue on with my career path and each time came painfully close, but not close enough to pass the exam. I began to realize that although the material within the test was tough I was developing test anxiety and became more and more discouraged with each exam. I had heard that hypnotherapy would help with test anxiety and I was willing to give it a shot. Willow explained to me the process of hypnotherapy and eased my mind. After two sessions I noticed a considerable difference in my overall outlook on life. I began to believe in myself and took the test for the 4th time. The anxiety built up each time I had taken the test as one must wait a month for the results. This time was different as the hypnotherapy trained my mind to relax upon entering the test location on the day of the test. I worked on my breathing and everything that Willow had mentioned during the session. I left the exam feeling confident and quite pleased that I finally felt like I knew what I was doing. I awaited the long 30 days to receive my results. I PASSED! I really, really PASSED! I think the hypnotherapy sessions gave me the ability to believe in myself and overcome the doubt I was facing for the past several months! Thank you Willow for your assistance! Hypnotherapy is so calming and relaxing and I have shared my story with friends and family! It is amazing how two sessions could help me with test anxiety and allowed me to continue on with my career! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!” A.K.