Hypnosis is not typically the first resource that a person wanting to lose weight considers. In fact, it’s usually the last. It is often only after a person has tried many, many different weight loss programs and failed, and then tried more, that they might think about trying something like hypnosis. Most people who have been on any weight loss program, such as Weight Watchers, Belly Fat Diet, Atkins, and the like, know what to eat. They know what they “should” be doing to exercise, and they know they “should” be drinking more water. They also know what foods and drinks NOT to eat. That’s not their problem.
The problem is often the ability to stick to their weight control eating plan – to stick to their exercise goals – and to avoid eating the foods they love and crave. That’s where hypnosis can help. Hypnosis can help you with the motivation and determination to stick with your eating and exercise plans. It can help you let go of the cravings as well! One client came to see me with a soda addiction. She would consume 4-5 32 ounce sodas every day. She new every market on her way to and from work where so could stop and get her “fix.” After the first session, she had NO DESIRE at all to drink any of theses beverages.
Another client knew she wanted to start exercising, and even set her alarm for 4:30 every morning. And every morning, she’d hit the “snooze” button over and over, and never make it to the gym. After her first hypnosis session, she was up in the morning right after the alarm went off and has continued to go to the gym 3 times a week, where she is meeting her goal of 45 minutes on the treadmill!
If you think you might want help with your diet and exercise plan or need more help with motivation to stick to your plan, consider hypnosis.
For more information and to schedule your appointment with Willow,
Call 520-760-8456
Hello Willow,
You helped a friend of mine a few years back by helping him to stop smoking. I am a 69 year old male who needs to lose about 40- 50 pounds. I retired about 3 years ago and not doing a lot of activity so have slowed down and put on about 10-15 pounds. I know age has a lot to do with the slowing down but I need to get back to less eating. My wife had gastric bypass about 10 years ago so one of my big problems is finishing her plate after mine. She has put back on some of her weight also. She likes to feed me what I like. I think if my thinking were to change that it would also benefit her.
I also have type 2 diabetes. No shots, pills only.
I am concerned about cost as I am on a fixed income. Do you by chance take Medicare. If not, can you let me know my options?
Thank you,